Welcome to Holland Hills!

On behalf of the Holland Hills Property Owners Association Board of Directors, welcome to our new community website. Over the coming months, we look forward to engaging with you, whether it be walking down the streets, or at a community activity.

The operation of your property owners association is governed by a board of volunteer directors. The five Board members are elected on an annual basis by the community. Elections are held at the annual homeowners meeting. The Board is responsible for overseeing the daily functions and financial responsibilities of the Association, and for maintaining members’ compliance with the established rules and guidelines. Please take the time to read through the Declarations and Bylaws you received during the home purchase process. Copies are available on our community website. 

Our intent for this website is for it to be a repository of information regarding Holland Hills and the surrounding area. Upcoming activities and events, announcements, a community calendar, Declarations and Bylaws, architectural review forms, and volunteer committee information can all be found there. Please take a few minutes to visit and familiarize yourself with this resource and to get to know your community. The website provides ready answers to most of the questions homeowners have.

​The Romero Group is working under the direction of the Holland Hills Metro District Board of Directors. Their offices can be reached at 970-273-3100. They should be contacted regarding any service issues in regards to water ditch issues, street/road maintenance, signage, residential water service, and trash/recycling services.

As a homeowner, you may already have some ideas on how you’d like to improve your property. Please keep in mind, the Association has an Architectural Review Committee to help maintain the quality of our neighborhood. Its function is to evaluate the plans for all exterior landscaping, repairs and remodeling (such as painting, decks, fences, trees and bushes, replacement roofs, etc.) in order to ensure compliance with all covenants, restrictions, and guidelines. The purpose of this review is to protect our scenic environment and maintain the value of our homes. Modifications to the exterior of your home and property must be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee for approval before any work begins. If work is started without prior approval, the homeowner may be required to alter the changes.

Again, welcome to the new Holland Hills community website!

Board of Directors
Holland Hills Property Owners Association